The 1984 set of Omu-Aran Government Secondary School Old Boys Association (OGSSOBA) has presented 40 units of computer and awarded scholarship to 14 students that distinguished themselves in their studies .
Pastor (Dr) Pitan Adeboye
presented the computer units to the school on behalf of his 1984 set.
Adeboye, said the donation of the computers is to support their alma mater in impacting sound education on students.
He further explained that his set facilitated the setting up of Digital Nigeria Center through Universal Service Provision Fund to promote learning of ICT.

According to Adeboye, the Universal Service Provision Fund designed Digital Nigeria Centers project is to provide a platform for accessing online and offline educational resources.
He further explained that the project was to among others encourage adoption of ICT as a learning platform in public secondary schools so as to create 21st century skills.
“The Digital Nigeria Center is to serve as an avenue to assist in training of students to acquire ICT skills and bridge the digital divide,” Adeboye said.
In his remarks, a former National President of Omu-Aran Government Secondary School Old Boys Association (OGSSOBA), Prince Olusegun Adeniyi commended the 1984 set for facilitating the project.
Adeniyi, advised the school authority to handle the center with utmost care so as to serve the purpose it is meant to serve.
Adeniyi stated the resolve of the Old Boys to attract projects that would enhance learning of 21st century skills into their alma mater.
He also advised students to pay attention to their studies, explaining that the only legacy their parents can bequeath to them is education.
In his response, the School Principal, Pastor Ajewole Isaac, expressed gratitude to the 1984 set for facilitating the project.
He said it would go a long way in exposing students to ICT knowledge.
The Principal appealed to the school’s Old Boys Association to continue to assist the school, saying that government alone can no longer shoulder the responsibility of ensuring quality education across board.(